
Prvobitni sajt NBCG: old.nb-cg.me

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The National Library of Montenegro “Đurđe Crnojević” and the NGO “Center for Youth Education” have signed a cooperation agreement, which enables users of the European Youth Card (EYC) to receive a 20% discount on the annual membership fee in the Library.

The European Youth Card (EYC) project in Montenegro has been implemented by the NGO “Center for Youth Education” since 2018 with the support and patronage of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, on behalf of the Government of Montenegro.

The European Youth Card (EYC) is an internationally recognized benefit card for youth people aged 13-29 years, who can use over 270 discounts in Montenegro and 30.000 discounts in Europe free of charge.

The significance of the project and its positive effects on the quality of life of young people have been recognized through various strategic documents, such as the Medium-term Work Program of the Government of Montenegro (2022-2024) and the European Youth Card Empowerment Program (2022-2024), as well as local action plans and strategies.