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Registar organa i institucija na državnom i lokalnom nivou


The National Library of Montenegro “Đurđe Crnojević”, as the carrier of the library and information system of Montenegro, in cooperation with the Institute of Information Sciences from Maribor, organized COBISS DAY for the third time. It was held yesterday, on September 24, in the former Italian embassy building.

Dragica Lompar, MA, director of the National Library, Dragana Kažanegra Stanišić, State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Media of Montenegro and Aleš Bošnjak, Ph.D., director of the Institute of Information Sciences from Maribor greeted guests at the opening of the COBISS Day.

Mr. Vjenceslava Ševaljević, head of the COBISS Center of Montenegro, presented the development of the library and information system in Montenegro, with an emphasis on the period from 2021 to today.

The central part of the COBISS day was dedicated to the new web applications COBISS.Cat and COBISS.Lib, which were presented by Branko Kurnjek and Marko Kušar, experts from the Institute of Information Sciences. They brought the work in the mentioned applications closer to the experts in the field of library activity present and clarified their doubts through discussion and answers to their questions.