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“Bibliography of Montenegrin Personal Bibliographies” by Milorad T. Milović, Library Advisor at the National Library of Montenegro “Đurđe Crnojević”, was presented on May 12 at the 17th International Podgorica Book and Education Fair in Podgorica.

Apart from the author, Library Advisor Slavica Glendža, assistant director for library affairs in the Library, also spoke at the promotion.

Personal bibliographies are a type of bibliography that contain the works of only one person. Usually, Milović points out, the subjects of bibliographic work are personalities of exceptional importance in a spiritual field or in public life in general and their creation is often initiated by birth or death anniversaries, jubilees or other important dates related to the personality that is the subject of research.

“Prior to this Bibliography, only two bibliographies of Montenegrin personal bibliographies were published, created by prominent bibliographer Zdravka Radulović. The first bibliography entitled “Personal Bibliography in Montenegro” was published in the proceedings entitled “Meetings of bibliographers '95” in Inđija in 1996. This bibliography lists 451 personal bibliographies. The second bibliography was published in “Bibliographic Herald” in 1997. It is an addition to the previously published one and contains a total of 78 bibliographic units”, said the author.

The bibliography, it is important to note, contains 2,394 personal bibliographies of Montenegrin creators concluding with 2019, and it is based on precisely defined criteria for the selection of material, as well as its standardized way of processing the selected material.

“Therefore, all personal bibliographies published in Montenegro, personal bibliographies of Montenegrin authors published outside Montenegro and personal bibliographies whose authors are from other countries and which were published outside Montenegro and refer to Montenegrin creators” were listed, explained Ms. Glendža and added that based on the list of the number of bibliographic units of this Bibliography, it can be concluded that truly significant results have been achieved in the production of this type of publication in Montenegro.

Taking into account the Register of Authors in the Bibliography, and also by looking at the bibliographic material, it is clear that the authors of the largest number of personal bibliographies are: Academician Dušan Martinović, Dobrilo Aranitović, Marija Adžić, etc.

“In addition to the multi-volume edition “Portreti”, Dušan Martinović published dozens of personal bibliographies of important personalities in several Montenegrin magazines. This Bibliography lists as many as 382 personal bibliographies of Dušan Martinović, of which 14 are special editions, 26 are offprints, while 342 bibliographies are published in periodicals, anthologies and various memorials, monographs, and collected works. In addition to Dušan Martinović, the diligent and very prolific bibliographer Dobrilo Aranitović from Šabac deserves special attention, who has so far produced an impressive number of personal bibliographies of famous cultural workers, writers, philosophers, and politicians. This bibliography lists 280 of Aranitović's personal bibliographies, of which 17 are special editions, 34 are offprints, while 229 bibliographies were published in Montenegrin and Yugoslav periodicals, anthologies and special editions”, Milović said.

Milorad-Mijo Milović is also a respected Montenegrin bibliographer, who published a large number of different types of bibliographies, a historian by profession, since 1984 he has been working at NLM as a librarian and bibliographer. He holds the highest title in the librarian profession, the title of librarian advisor, and he is also the winner of the highest professional award “Dr. Niko Simov Martinović”.