
Prvobitni sajt NBCG: old.nb-cg.me

Registar organa i institucija na državnom i lokalnom nivou


The host of the annual Conference of European National Libraries (CENL) in the period from June 16 to June 18 this year was the National Library of Poland.

Director of the National Library of Montenegro Dragica Lompar and coordinator for international cooperation Slađana Sjekloća participated in the work of the conference on behalf of the NLM “Đurđe Crnojević”.

A cultural program was organized for the guests on the first day, during which, among other things, they had the opportunity to enjoy a concert in which Chopin's works were performed.

During the meeting, the directors discussed, among other things, the threats that national libraries face today and how to fight against them, as well as the policy of collecting the legal deposit, especially the electronic legal deposit.

Dr. Tomasz Makowski, director of the National Library of Poland, presented a project to build a nationwide library network in Poland, while the director of the British Library, Sir Roly Keating, presented the causes, course and consequences of a massive hacker attack on BL servers and digital services in order to share the experience with other national libraries and help them organize themselves and prevent irreparable damage should a similar situation arise.

The annual report and financial report for the year 2023/24 and the budget for 2025, as well as the CENL action plan, were adopted. Amendments to the Statute of this library organization were made after voting.

New members of the CENL Executive Board were elected.

Next year the CENL Annual Conference will take place at the National Library of Scotland.